Church World Problems

This post about church really resonated with me.  I’ve been interested for the past few years in the mass exodus of my generation from organized religion during our 20s.  I became keenly aware of the problem while I was a grad student living in an unfamiliar place, looking for a church home.  I stuck out like…

The Lost Sheep

Have you ever had one of those seasons in life where the expression “When it rains, it pours.” really fits?  Well, I am coming into one of those seasons now, I think.  The theme is change, and it feels like too much too quickly–even though it’s mostly good.  I’m sure there will be several posts…

Taking the Leap

It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted.  I’ve had some thoughts, of course.  Things have just been busy at work and with my family.  I’ve been helping struggling students and listening to webinars about campus safety and doing Q&A sessions with rooms full of PhDs.  Yikes. We’re in the final stages (Lord willing) of the…

One Word for 2013. Celebrate!

I didn’t necessarily plan on having one word for 2013, though I like the idea.  I am cheesy enough to enjoy themes.  Sometimes trips have a theme.  A pattern emerges and an inside joke forms for the participants that lasts long after you return home.  Sometimes seasons of life have a theme.  I like the…

It’s Only a Matter of Time

It’s been a season of grief for many of my friends and coworkers.  I have seen people that I care about experience loss and had conversations with them about the idiosyncracies of the grieving process and trying to start life without their loved one.  Being the sensitive person that I am, I try to be supportive and empathetic in the…


I hope that you all had a joyous and restful Thanksgiving day.  Looking back on this year, I have so many reasons to give thanks.  What I am most thankful for this year and every year is the love of God.  I found myself singing this song in the shower tonight as I reflected on…

The Prayers That Sustain Us

These past few weeks have been stressful, and I have been struggling to not become overwhelmed by it all.  The upside of this is that I’ve been sleeping very well.  I fall into bed completely exhausted each night.  During the waking hours, it’s hard to find peace in the midst of the craziness.  Last night, I…

On Being a Sister

I come from a close-knit family, and it’s been a blessing more often than it’s been a curse.  This past weekend, my brother performed in the annual freshman show, and my mom, sister and sister’s boyfriend were able to come.  Dad was home with the other brother.  Seeing Alex perform with other freshmen boys from his residence hall…

Another World

I’ve witnessed a lot of heavy situations lately.  People all around me are experiencing tragedy, loss and illness.  As a result, I’ve been having some stressful dreams, and it’s gotten me thinking about the surreal and strange nature of our dream lives.   The idea that we have different levels of consciousness has always fascinated…

Close to My Heart

I have always been drawn to people from other countries and cultures.  I grew up in a suburban area that was basically 95% Caucasian, but I managed to interact with a lot of people whose life experiences were very different from my own.  It’s a little easier now that I have two brothers from Uganda and…